Surya Namaskaram Yoga

Surya Namaskaram

Surya Namaskaram is one of the best training to improve your body, mind and knowledge. Everyone can do this exercise which is good for the body.It is an exercise that combines asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation. Even if you do not do any exercise, you should only do this Surya Namaskaram. This seat helps most of the organs in our body to function smoothly. Let us look at the method of Surya Namaskaram to help you get the benefit of the whole.


Put a mat or yoga mat on the floor. First the straight edge of the rug should stand upright. Do not relax the body lightly. Breathe in and lift your arms up to the head with both ears over the head. Bring both arms straight up to your chest as you exhale and stand up in worship. Lift your hands up and down again. Let the breath relax. It is the seat of worship.

Astana Uttanasana(அஸ்த உட்டனாசனம்)

Raise your hands above the ears to hold the breath inward. Now lean backwards from toes to toes. The tilt should be done in the background. The toes should bend backwards as far as the leader can. Breathe out and bring the body back to normal.

Astha Padasana(அஸ்த பாதாசனம்)

Stand straight on the rug and keep your feet restless. Then both hands should bend the palms of the two hands to touch the ground near the toes. The head should be positioned to touch the feet while bending. This condition should last a few seconds. Let the breath out.

Asva Sanchalanasana(அஸ்வ சஞ்சலனாசனா)

The right leg should be placed backward so that the breath is pulled inside. Both hands should be placed on the floor with the palms close to the left foot, rather than bending the left leg. In this case the sky should be looked upwards. Inhale deeply for a few seconds in this position. It is also known as Asva Sanchalanasana. In this case it looks like a horse rider.


The front left leg should be parallel to the right leg facing backwards as you exhale. Strength should be given only to the hands when placing the feet in this position. Only two legs and two hands should be able to bear the weight. The pelvis should be positioned high. The whole body should be in a straight line. Breathe out in this situation.

Ashtanga Namaskaram(​அஷ்டாங்க நமஸ்காரம்)

Breathe in and bring the body to the ground. After lying on the floor for a few seconds, the forehead, chest, arms, knees, legs, etc. should touch the floor and the hips should be slightly higher. In this case the breath should be stopped for a few seconds.


Breathe in and breathe out and bend your head back. Bend the back of the head as far as possible up to the neck, chest and upper
abdomen i.e. back. The abdomen should rest from head to toe. The head should look upwards. In this case, the chest should be pushed downward while inhaling and breathing.


It is also known as Parvatasana. The situation is like a mountaintop. Exhale and raise your arms well. The hand should be raised above the hips and back. The head should be low and the back high. The foot on the foot and the head should be towards the abdomen.

Asva Sanchalanasana(அஸ்வ சஞ்சலனாசனம்)

Place the right leg in front of the knees so that the breath is drawn inward. The left leg should be backwards. The hands are as long as the floor. Hands should be on the floor near the right foot. The head should be lifted. Inhale and exhale. This is similar to what was done in the fourth stage. Only the legs have changed.

Astha Padasana(அஸ்த பாதாசனம்)

This is the third stage of yoga practice. The hands should be slightly forward on the side of the feet. The left leg should be folded parallel to the right leg. The head should touch the knee. The toes should be on the floor at the soles of the feet. Let the breath out.

Astana Uttanasana(​அஸ்த உட்டனாசனம்)

Slowly raise your hands to hold the breath inward and bend the back. Bend the head backwards and bend as far as you can to see the sky. The breath should be inhaled. This is the second stage.


This is the first asana exercise done. Pranamasana position should be saluted again.

These 12 stages together are a salutation. This prayer can be done in three to ten minutes. This is a simple tutorial for everyone from children to adults. It is a training for the sick. The body will begin to loop easily. Do it twice in the beginning and then up to 12 times. If you breathe deeply after each level and exhale slowly, there will be no fatigue.

When doing more than one prayer it is good to change the legs in the practice of changing the legs in each exercise. Even though you can perform sun prayers with these tips, it is more beneficial to do so in the eyes of an experienced practitioner for the first time.


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