The Ramayana is an ancient Sanskrit Indian epic which follows prince Rama quest to rescue his beloved wife Sita from the clutches of Dasamukha Ravana with the help of army of vanaram (monkey). It was composed in Sanskrit by the sage Valmiki at 5th century BCE. Valmiki taught it to Rama's sons, the twins Lava and Kusha.

Comprising 24,000 verses in seven cantos, the epic contains the teachings of the very ancient Hindu sages. 

  • Bala kandam
  • Ayodhya kandam
  • Aranya kandam
  • Kishkindha kandam
  • Sundhara kandam
  • Yuddha kandam


Ramayanam Bala kandam

Once upon a time, King Dasharatha ruled Koshala Kingdom with Ayodhya as its Capital. He had three wives namely Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumithra, but had no children. His council of ministers adviced him to perform Puthra Kameshti Yagam. Dasharatha invited Rishyasingar Maharishi to do the Yagam. After successful completion of the Yagam, RishyaSingar gave a bowl of payasam to Dasharatha. Dasharatha gave one ½ to Kausalya, one ¼ to Sumithra and two 1/8 to both Kaikeyi and Sumithra.

After consuming the portion, Kausalya gave birth to Rama, Kaikeyi to Bharatha and Sumithra gave birth to Lakshmana and Sathrugana. Each new born were put in a cradle in the order of Rama, Bharatha, Lakshmana and Sathrugana. They started crying vehemently. Rishis advices to change the order as Rama, Lakshmana, Bharatha and Satrugana. They were still crying but less loud. Then Rama and Lakshmana were put in the same cradle as well as Bharatha and Lakshmana. The children stopped crying and started to smile.


Ayodhya Kanda

Viswamitra, a Rishi visited Dasharatha’s court, when Rama was sixteen. He asked Dasharatha to send Rama along with him to protect the yagna, he was performing, from demons. Dasharatha offered himself for the task, but knowing Viswamitra well, Vashishta, another Rishi, adviced Dasharatha to send Rama with Viswamitra. Dasharatha obliged.

Rama went with Viswamitra to the forest Dhandakaranyam. He killed Tadaka, a demoness and Subahu her son but pardoned Maricha. Viswamitra took Rama and Lakshmana to Videha Kingdom ruled by Janaka to attend swayamvaram of Sita. The challenge was to break the bow, called Shivadanus. Many kings tried but failed. Viswamitra blessed Rama and asked him to try, Rama lifted the Bow and tried to tie the loose end of the bow and it broke. Ram won the competition and married Sita. While returning to Ayodhya, Rama won over Parasurama as well.



Dasharatha decided to crown Rama as the King of Koshala, A day before the crowning ceremony, Kaikeyi asked Dasharatha to exercise the two boon he gave her. Kaikeyi wanted Rama to be banished to forest for fourteen years and Bharatha to be made king of Koshala. Rama acceded to his mothers wish happily, but Dasharatha collapsed because of his separation from his son. Rama left to forest with Sita and Lakshmana, Dasharatha died. Bharatha after returning to Kosala refused to become the king.

Rama made friend with Guha, who helped him cross river Ganga, Bharatha visited Rama in Chitrakoot.  He tried to persuade Rama to return to Ayodhya, but Rama refused. Bharatha took sandals of Rama and kept it in on the throne of Kosala and he stayed in a small hermitage outside Ayodhya.

Rama visited many Rishis in the forest and finally settled in panchavati. Surpanaka, a Rakshashi, fell for Rama’s beauty and tried to disturb him, Lakshmana cut her nose and sent her away. Surpanaka narrated her tale to Ravana vowed to avenge her insult. He came to Chitrakoot with Maricha. Maricha turned into a beautiful golden deer while Ravana disguised himself as a Rishi. Sita wanted the deer and Rama went chasing it. Rama killed the deer and Maricha returned to his original demon form. Lakshmana came in search of Rama. Ravana deceived Sita and took her as hostage.


Rama and Lakshmana meet the wounded Jatayu,

Hanuman meet Rama First Time?
Rama and Lakshmana returned to the sojourn and found Sita missing. Rama was petrified and went in search of Sita. A wounded Jatayu apprised Rama about Sita’s abduction. Rama met Hanuman and befriended Sugriva. Rama promised to help Sugriva and killed Vali, Sugriva’s brother in the fight between them and made him the king of Kishkinda.


Hanuman went to Lanka and finds Sita

Sugriva sent his army to search for Sita. Hanuman went to Lanka and finds Sita, He was captured by soldiers and was presented before Ravana. Hanuman advised Ravana to set Sita free. But Ravana set Hanumans tail on fire. Hanuman spread the fire in Lanka and came back to Rama and told Rama that he found Sita.


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Vibeeshana, Ravana’s Brother joined Rama’s side. Rama along with Vanara sena built ‘Ram Sethu’ to cross the ocean and reached Lanka. Battle between Rama and Ravana began. Rama first killed Ravana’s brother Kumbakarna in the battle. Meganath/Indrajit, son of Ravana used nagastra against Lakshmana and he fell unconscious. Hanuman brought Sanjeevani from Himalayas to save Lakshmana. Lakshmana then killed Indrajit. Finally, Rama displaced ten heads of Ravana to kill him.

Vibeeshana was made king of Lanka. Rama left to Ayodhya with Sita and Lakshman after completion of fourteen years of exile. Bharatha who vowed to immolate himself, if Rama didn’t return on time, was ready with sacrificial fire. Hanuman came with Rama’s message and saved Bharatha. Finally, Rama was crowned the king of Kosala. 

Sri Rama Pattabhishekam Photos posted by John Walker



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